Before, During, and After: Your Comprehensive Vacation Preparation Guide

While the excitement for your upcoming travels is undeniable, the planning phase can be quite overwhelming. Going on a short getaway isn’t always as straightforward and spontaneous as we all tend to believe. It involves various factors to consider. A bit of preparation can go a long way in making you feel more comfortable and ensuring you spend your trip without unwanted surprises. Whether you’re heading to a beach destination, exploring vibrant cities, or immersing yourself in nature’s wonders, the journey begins well before you set foot at your chosen holiday spot. 

At Marvie Hotel & Health, we understand that the process of preparing for your holidays is an integral part of the travel experience. For some people, searching and planning for a vacation can be as exciting as the vacation itself. So, to make sure your holidays are as smooth, enjoyable, and memorable as desired, we’ve put together a detailed guide to help you prepare for your trip. 

Before the Trip:

The first step in preparing for your vacation is choosing your destination. If you’re traveling to a foreign country, you should research basic information about entry rules, such as obtaining a visa or receiving certain types of vaccinations. Some visas can be obtained upon arrival in the country, while others require you to apply before the actual trip. After you’re completely sure that you’ve addressed all legal requirements, you can focus on the fun side of planning. It is a good idea to set goals and milestones for your journey. It might sound simple, but it’s a crucial early step to ensure it goes smoothly when you’re getting ready for a trip! According to your goals (e.g., active vacation, family vacation, or complete and total rest), you can now research the location, its culture, attractions, and activities. It’s also useful to check the opening hours of museums, shops, and other attractions so you don’t miss out on places and experiences that interest you. You can start the list the day you decide on your destination and upgrade it day by day so that it is ready on your departure day.  

The ‘’Before the trip’’ phase is the most challenging one since it comprises many activities that you need to do at your home destination while keeping in mind your future holiday destination. To make sure everything runs smoothly, we have prepared a check-list you can use to make sure you are on track:  

Travel Documentation: Check if your passport, visa, and other personal documents are valid, and keep digital copies of these documents in case of unexpected issues. Prepare a designated place in your bag to keep all the documents so that you know where they are at all times. 

Travel Insurance: Invest in travel insurance to protect yourself from unforeseen events such as trip cancellations, medical emergencies, or lost luggage. 

Check your prescriptions: If you or your family members are on specific therapy, check if you have enough medication and inquire whether you need a doctor’s certificate for border crossing. Also, be sure to pack pain relievers, fever reducers, and similar medications to have them on hand for unforeseen health situations. 

Transportation: If you’re traveling by plane, bus, or train, make sure to book your tickets in advance. If you’re traveling by car, be sure it’s in good working condition. Visit an auto service center promptly to embark on your planned journey worry-free. Download your travel itinerary from the internet, and prepare all tickets and confirmations, especially if you’ve purchased them online. Be prepared for situations where you may not have internet access at all times. 

Accommodation: Choose your accommodation carefully; look at its location and distance from planned activities; review pictures, comments, and appraisals from previous guests, as well as additional facilities and amenities it offers. If you’re traveling to Split and choose Marvie Hotel & Health, you can be sure that you’ll be our top priority. A perfect location near all the sights, attractions, and natural wonders of Split, spacious rooms, and guest health care through a perfectly planned menu containing local produce, through environmentally friendly and sustainable processes, will result in your dream vacation. 

Check the currency. If you’re traveling to a country that uses a different currency than your own, exchange a certain amount of money in advance so you can have cash on hand when you enter the country. Always distribute your money in different places (pockets, bags, jackets…), and don’t keep cards and cash together. 

Pack Light and Smart: Pack according to the climate and activities. Be sure to check the weather forecast a few days before your trip. Think flexibly and mix and match items. Remember to include essentials like toiletries and charging cables. It is a good idea to take a photo of the contents of the luggage in case you are traveling by plane. This makes it easier to file a baggage loss claim if anything happens to your suitcase. Additionally, make sure that your luggage complies with the carriers’ rules.  

Take care of Your House/Apartment: Water your indoor and garden plants; inspect your rooms and yard to ensure everything is locked and closed; take care of your pets if you’re not bringing them with you; make sure you’ve turned off the water and appliances and cleaned your home so you can travel in peace. Leave your apartment keys with trusted individuals to occasionally visit your home, turn on some lights, lower the blinds, and create the impression that the apartment isn’t empty. 

Learn basic phrases: Learn at least some basic expressions in the local language, because it will greatly help you when interacting with people, as not everyone speaks foreign languages. 

Take a deep breath! If you tend to feel a bit worried about packing and traveling, keep in mind that you can always replace most things if you forget them. As long as you have money, phone, travel documents, (and travel insurance), you’ll be just fine. Have a safe trip!

During the Trip:

Whether on a plane, train, bus or in your car, make sure you stay hydrated. Dehydration can ruin your holiday experience. Carry a reusable water bottle and drink water regularly, especially in hot climates. Bring some snacks or fruit with you to avoid getting hungry.  

If traveling by car, use GPS. Even if you think you know where you’re going, traffic congestion and road closures might occur, making you take another route. By using GPS, you won’t lose valuable vacation time. And your nerves.  

Once you arrive at the destination, it is time to relax and explore what you planned. Here are some tips to make your stay memorable:  

Immerse yourself in local culture: try local foods, participate in local activities, and engage with the community. By immersing yourself in a new culture, you gain a wealth of experiences and develop a deeper understanding of diverse people, establish stronger connections with their ways of life, and acquire valuable skills that can be brought back to your communities. It results in enhancing the travel experience for everyone involved.  

Stay Active: Maintaining physical fitness can help you adapt to a new location and stay energetic and in shape. Light walks, stretching exercises, and swimming will help you feel better. If you’re staying at Marvie Hotel & Health, you have access to our fitness center and wellness facilities, which will be beneficial after a full day of sightseeing.

Embrace Eco-Friendly Practices: Be mindful of your environmental impact. Even though you’re in a different destination, behave responsibly and avoid unnecessary consumption of natural resources. Use towels and linens for more than one day, use natural light as much as possible, and reduce the use of disposable plastic. 

Prepare for change: expect the unexpected. Change in time, weather, foods, people/culture… there will be lots of changes, but if you look at them through the eyes of embracing new experiences, you will overcome them more easily and enjoy your trip more.  Make the internet your best friend because you will be doing a lot of research while you’re at your destination. Even though it might seem that you made all the pre-planning at home, something will always pop out.  

Shop wisely: make sure you buy local products (made in Croatia, for example). When you go souvenir shopping, it’s a good idea to look for the most special and genuine products. Your loved ones will value them more. Follow a simple rule of thumb: if you can easily find it in your hometown, it’s best not to purchase it. 

Stay safe: Wherever you go, unfortunately, there will always be people with ill intentions. Avoid carrying too much cash when you’re out and always keep an eye on your bag. Put all your valuables in the hotel safe so that you can explore the city in peace.

After the Trip:

Unfortunately, all good things come to an end. Once you arrive home, unpack and take some time to reflect on your trip. What were the highlights? Share your experiences and photos with family and friends. Write reviews on travel platforms, helping other travelers make informed choices.  

Now is the perfect time to plan the next trip. It’s never too early to start planning your next adventure. As already said, the anticipation can be as enjoyable as the journey itself. Marvie Hotel & Health takes special care of our returning guests, so don’t hesitate to contact us if you decide to revisit us.  

As you wait for your next journey, remember that every step, from the moment you decide on your destination to the time you share your travel tales, contributes to the magic of travel. We wish you safe travels and many wonderful adventures ahead!

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Raspon datuma

Jan 01 — Apr 30

May 01 — Jun 30

Jul 01 — Aug 31

Sep 01 — Oct 31

Nov 01 — Dec 31

Cijena po noćenju

69 €

139 €

174 €

139 €

69 €

Full price list

Date range

Jan 01 — Mar 31

Apr 01 — Apr 30

May 01 — Jun 14

Jun 15 — Sep 14

Sep 15 — Oct 31

Nov 01 — Dec 31

Price per night

150 €

210 €

252 €

320 €

252 €

150 €

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Full price list

Date range

Jan 01 — Apr 30

May 01 — Jun 30

Jul 01 — Aug 31

Sep 01 — Oct 31

Nov 01 — Dec 31

Price per night

69 €

139 €

174 €

139 €

69 €

Full price list

Date range

Jan 01 — Apr 30

May 01 — Jun 30

Jul 01 — Aug 31

Sep 01 — Oct 31

Nov 01 — Dec 31

Price per night

86 €

157 €

209 €

132 €

86 €

Full price list

Date range

Jan 01 — Apr 30

May 01 — Jun 30

Jul 01 — Aug 31

Sep 01 — Oct 31

Nov 01 — Dec 31

Price per night


184 €

237 €

160 €

113 €

Full price list

Date range

Jan 01 — Mar 31

Apr 01 — Apr 30

May 01 — Jun 14

Jun 15 — Sep 14

Sep 15 — Oct 31

Nov 01 — Dec 31

Price per night

130 €

200 €


298 €

231 €

130 €

Full price list

Date range

Jan 01 — Mar 31

Apr 01 — Apr 30

May 01 — Jun 14

Jun 15 — Sep 14

Sep 15 — Oct 31

Nov 01 — Dec 31

Price per night

120 €

170 €

194 €

265 €

194 €

120 €


Raspon datuma

Jan 01 — Mar 31

Apr 01 — Apr 30

May 01 — Jun 14

Jun 15 — Sep 14

Sep 15 — Oct 31

Nov 01 — Dec 31

Cijena po noćenju

150 €

210 €


320 €

252 €

150 €


Raspon datuma

Jan 01 — Apr 30

May 01 — Jun 30

Jul 01 — Aug 31

Sep 01 — Oct 31

Nov 01 — Dec 31

Cijena po noćenju


184 €

237 €

160 €

113 €


Raspon datuma

Jan 01 — Mar 31

Apr 01 — Apr 30

May 01 — Jun 14

Jun 15 — Sep 14

Sep 15 — Oct 31

Nov 01 — Dec 31

Cijena po noćenju

120 €

170 €

194 €

265 €

194 €

120 €


Raspon datuma

Jan 01 — Mar 31

Apr 01 — Apr 30

May 01 — Jun 14

Jun 15 — Sep 14

Sep 15 — Oct 31

Nov 01 — Dec 31

Cijena po noćenju

110 €

150 €


243 €

179 €

110 €


Raspon datuma

Jan 01 — Mar 31

Apr 01 — Apr 30

May 01 — Jun 14

Jun 15 — Sep 14

Sep 15 — Oct 31

Nov 01 — Dec 31

Cijena po noćenju

130 €

200 €


298 €

231 €

130 €


Raspon datuma

Jan 01 — Mar 31

Apr 01 — Apr 30

May 01 — Jun 14

Jun 15 — Sep 14

Sep 15 — Oct 31

Nov 01 — Dec 31

Cijena po noćenju

200 €

280 €


430 €

347 €

200 €


Raspon datuma

Jan 01 — Mar 31

Apr 01 — Apr 30

May 01 — Jun 14

Jun 15 — Sep 14

Sep 15 — Oct 31

Nov 01 — Dec 31

Cijena po noćenju

250 €

350 €


540 €

431 €

250 €


Raspon datuma

Jan 01 — Mar 31

Apr 01 — Apr 30

May 01 — Jun 14

Jun 15 — Sep 14

Sep 15 — Oct 31

Nov 01 — Dec 31

Cijena po noćenju

90 €

130 €

159 €

223 €

159 €

90 €


Raspon datuma

Jan 01 — Apr 30

May 01 — Jun 30

Jul 01 — Aug 31

Sep 01 — Oct 31

Nov 01 — Dec 31

Cijena po noćenju

86 €

157 €

209 €

132 €

86 €

Full price list

Date range

Jan 01 — Mar 31

Apr 01 — Apr 30

May 01 — Jun 14

Jun 15 — Sep 14

Sep 15 — Oct 31

Nov 01 — Dec 31

Price per night

90 €

130 €

159 €

223 €

159 €

90 €